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Saturday, 27 August 2011

Lessons I learnt from playing the guitar.

Many years ago, when I was at secondary school, I decided I wanted to learn to play guitar.  So, with visions of being a rock star in my mind, I went with a friend to a guitar shop and chose my instrument (a beginners electric guitar and practise amp set) and started paying it off bit by bit, using birthday and Christmas money and pocket money from my parents. 

As this took a long time and I was extremely enthusiastic I made up a practise guitar fretboard out of a piece of wood.  I drew on the frets and strings and practised my chord fingering before I actually held a guitar in my hands.  I’m pretty sure while I waited there may have been some serious air guitar playing done as well.  When I finally picked up my guitar I knew numerous chords and all I had to do was toughen up my fingers and practise my spacing, but in a very basic way I was ready to go. 

I quickly realised that learning to play an instrument needs dedication and willingness to practise regularly and diligently.  I’m not sure I ever did this enough and my progress was patchy at best.  I became competent quickly enough, but I’ve never got passed basic strumming and lead work and in some respects this was enough for me.  I can play rhythm along with songs I like, improvise in a very straightforward way and work out simple lead lines.  My friend, on the other hand, is an incredible guitarist and someone I really look up to.

The main thing for me, from learning to play guitar, is that I now appreciate the skill and dedication it takes for musicians to create and perform their music, whether this be in a live situation or on a recorded album.  This applies to a whole variety of instruments and not just guitars.  Knowing how difficult it can be to get proficient and dexterous on an instrument makes me enjoy good musicianship all the more whenever I hear it.  I am sad to say it also makes me notice flaws and poor playing as well.  This is the downside, but I hope overall it makes me a more discerning music listener.

I have also noticed that I hear details in music that never stood out to me before I learnt to play guitar.  I will hear a certain bass phrasing that I never heard before or will notice the ways the drums and keyboards interact etc.  Again, this helps me feel and engage with the music I listen to in a deeper, more profound way.

My acousitc guitar.

I don’t think you have to learn an instrument to fully enjoy music and everything it can give you.  But in my case I think learning to play guitar in a very rudimentary way has increased the pleasure I derive from music and makes me appreciate it on another level that wasn’t there before I picked up a guitar. 

I am still happy to pick up my acoustic and strum along with an old favourite now and then, but this also doesn’t stop me from turning up the volume sometimes and playing some ferocious air guitar along with a song either.  I mean, I’ve got to get my ‘rock n roll’ kicks somehow!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Music as I commute, Part 1

Nothing quite alleviates the monotony and boredom of commuting than listening to some music.  When you spend several hours each day on the train, packed in like sardines with other bleary eyed and irritable travellers it is a god-send to be able to plug in to your Ipod, press play on the latest album in your collection and watch the world drift by the windows as you speed to or from your place of work.

I guess it can be isolating, but when no-one is talking at that time of day and many fellow commuters are trying to catch up on sleep, you may as well slip into a world of your own choosing to make the time pass and set yourself up for the day to come.  Alternatively you can use it to wind down from the stresses of the day on a journey home.  A certain social element may be lost, as my dad has told me about the times he used to commute and the friendships he struck up with the people around him that he saw everyday.  He may have had a drink with them from the buffet cart, or caught up on the days events before reaching his stop, but this almost never happens these days.  The most I do is nod at people I see each day, take out my headphones long enough to say good morning/evening and comment on the weather and then slip the headphones back on and carry on as before.  Maybe times have changed, or I’m just a unsociable so and so!

I also listen to music as I walk to the train station and it helps me get into my own head space as I cope with the hustle and bustle of urban commuting.  I am always extra vigilant when I cross the roads and am conscious of the extra dangers that having your sense of hearing engaged with something other than your environment brings.  I am guessing it wouldn’t be wise for someone moving or working around  heavy machinery to listen to music, or anyone else who has to be fully aware of his or her surroundings, but for me, as I walk the streets to work, the benefits easily outweigh the minor risks.

I’m not the only one who listens to music whilst commuting these days and whereas ten or fifteen years ago I was one of the few people who had on a set of headphones, nowadays I am just one of many.  There are always one or two people who insist on having their music up way too loud (or play their music for all to hear on ridiculous, tinny mobile phone speakers), but generally everyone is considerate and those annoying commuting companions are few and far between.

When I am having an ‘off day’ and have got out of bed on the wrong side it is amazing what half an hour of carefully chosen music will do for me.  Something upbeat and positive will soon knock the cobwebs and grey clouds out of my mind and help me focus myself for the tasks ahead.

It also makes a wonderful accompaniment to winter or autumn travel too and there is something almost magical about speeding through heavy fog, where you can’t see anything a metre beyond the train window and be listening to something equally as brooding or atmospheric. 

This is just another time when music helps me get through the day and when you spend as much time commuting as I do, then you may as well make full use of this prime listening time.  It is a time to reflect, dream and plan for my future and music is a wonderful soundtrack to the mental images I create for myself.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

What is that ringing in my ears?

The irony isn’t lost on me that in the weeks since starting my blog, about my love of music, I have developed tinnitus in my right ear.

In quieter moments or when I’m not actively listening to something, I can hear a steady high pitch whine that occasionally makes me take notice.

Over the years I have been to numerous loud gigs, but in everyday life I have the volume limiter on my ipod activated.  I am always conscious of how loud I have my headphones, mainly so as not to disturb fellow commuters, but also to protect my hearing.  But despite these precautions I have still developed this annoying condition.

Many famous musicians also have tinnitus, although they are probably more susceptible due to their career choice and loud concert environments.  Phil Collins is one notable sufferer.

I have had experiences with tinnitus before over the years, but it would usually pop into notice and then fade off immediately until it was gone.  This would occur every few months or so and wasn’t excessive or cause for concern.

Thinking back to past experiences with loud music in my life maybe I shouldn’t be as surprised as I am.  I remember seeing Iron Maiden many years ago and managed to work my way into the mosh pit at the front and positioned myself in front of their rather substantial stack of speakers.  It certainly was loud, but as I head banged and stomped my feet along in ecstasy with the music and crowd atmosphere I didn’t think for one minute of my hearing.  Afterwards, when I left the venue and walked to the train station I noticed that everything sounded as if it was under water, but I put this down to euphoria and the contrast of the gig to ‘everyday’ volume.  It wasn’t until the next day that I realised I couldn’t hear very well and when people spoke to me it sounded as if they spoke through wads of cotton or they sounded like Charlie Browns teacher from the cartoon series.  This amused me at first, then as the day wore on concerned me and although my hearing gradually improved over the next few days, by the third day I was alarmed to say the least.

I vowed to never be as stupid again and my caution around loud music was born on that evening.

Then a few years ago I saw Razorlight in Brighton and I was positioned next to the edge of the venue and a large wall.  The acoustics in the venue were diabolical and the sound reflected off the wall and clashed in my ears horrible.  It also created a distortion and additional volume I think may have been lost at other parts of the venue.  By the end of the night my ears rang and I walked home feeling dizzy and disorientated.

Sometimes now when I see live music certain loud sections or frequencies will make me wince in discomfort and I guess, on reflection, the damage to my hearing may have been gradual, but it is no longer surprising.

I hope that the tinnitus I have recently experienced will ease off and as long as I am still able to appreciate and enjoy music then some of my apprehension about it will be reduced.  Of course if it gets any worse I will make an appointment to see my Doctor (as you should in the same situation) but I fear he may ruefully shake his head and say my years of carelessness may have caught up with me.  Oh the lessons we learn in hindsight.  A small part of me is embarrassed to say, that after all the superb live acts I’ve seen over the years, that I still feel it may have been worth it.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

The poetry in lyrics.

It has long been accepted that song lyrics can be as full of emotion and feeling as traditional prose or poetry.  Lyrics can impart political ideals as both Bob Dylan and Rage Against the Machine can attest to.  They can give voice to our ideas of love and friendship as incalculable songs demonstrate.  They can be humorous and downright hilarious as Electric Six and Tenacious D have shown to full advantage and lyrics are backed up by the additional power of music to help lodge them in our minds and which help us to keep repeating them down the years.

Some musicians have also gone one step further and have published books of poetry that at times have given a deeper insight into their music and ideals.  This is before we even consider the numerous musicians who have also written books, mostly autobiographical in nature, but not exclusively so.

The first book of poetry written by a musician I bought was ‘A Night Without Amour’ by Jewel Kilcher.  Jewel had written journals and poetry alongside her songs since childhood and in her first book of poetry she explores the passions of first love, loves betrayal, growing up in Alaska, as well as the various images and scenes from life on the road.  In sometimes brutally honest language she draws you into her inner world.  The tone and feel of her song lyrics are evident throughout her poetry, but you also get a more intimate, personal voice coming through.  For me this has enhanced her music whenever I now hear it and I still go back to this book to browse through at odd moments.

Another book of poetry I have is ‘The Moments, the minutes, the hours’ by Jill Scott.  Jill’s poetry, like her music, is more sexy, soulful and elemental.  Her poetry explores, amongst other things, what it’s like to be an African-American woman and has a raw honestly that hits you straight in your head and heart every time.  Her collection has a wide variety of poetic styles and includes some wonderful haiku, that despite their pithy eloquence manage to leave a great impact upon reading.  The poetry on offer here is more erotic and earthy than that from Jewel, but like Jewels poems, they convey a great deal about the author.  If you feel you know Jill from her music, you will be staggered by the degree of personal information laid bare and shared with you in her poetry.  Poetry is a form of artistic expression that is extremely honest and open and Jill embraces that wholeheartedly.

 One of my favourite poetry collections is ‘Cool Gardens’ by Serj Tankian.  This collection of poetry features original artwork created by Sako Shahinian and these images can be both beautiful and disturbing.  They compliment the poems on offer perfectly.  Some of Serj’s poems can be dense and hard to fully appreciate first time round, but upon repeated reading they start to become clearer and have more impact.  His style is more cutting and cynical, much like the music he has created at times, and deals with subjects as diverse as euthanasia and flatulence!  His style is very uncompromising, which you would always want from an artist and he makes no apologies for his opinions or views.  He has just released a second book of poetry, which I have yet to purchase, called ‘Glaring Through Oblivion’, and if it is anything like ‘Cool Gardens’ it will be a challenging and highly rewarding read.

You can learn so much about an artist from listening to a songs lyrics and whereas some are light hearted and relatively superficial, others can have a depth that can only be fathomed after repeated listening.  The poetry from the musicians I have mentioned here is of a similar nature and augments the music and other art they create in the course of their careers.  It is not necessary to read their poems to appreciate their music, but it has certainly added an extra element for me when hearing their music now.  All three of these collections are very good in their own right and are well worth checking out if you enjoy the artist mentioned and their music.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Music News: July 2011 Archive

31.07.11 U2 tour grosses $736m.
U2 wrapped up their two year 360 tour last night in Canada.  By the time they walk off stage they will have played to 7.26 Million people and grossed a record breaking $736,137,344.  This beats the previous record achieved by the Rolling Stones of $558m, although this probably won't go down too well with campaigners who accuse U2 of tax evasion.

29.07.11 Def Leppard return to US tour.
Def Leppard have returned to their US tour in Cincinnati after postponing some dates after the death of the lead singer's, Joe Elliot, father.  He also posted a letter to his fans on the band website, to acknowledge their support and thank them for their condolences and well wishes.  The full letter can be read at the site below,

29.07.11 Independent Record retailers write open letter to jay-Z.
Scores of independent US record shops owners have written an open letter to Jay-Z and Kanye West after it was announced their forthcoming album will be exclusively released on itunes and at Best Buy two weeks before general release with other retailers.  The letter says the actions will cause 'great damage' and request equal access to the release.  Jay-Z's spokesman had no comment.

28.07.11 Morrissey upsets with latest comments.
Morrissey, who is well known for his outspoken comments and views, has sparked off outrage at his latest remarks that the Norway attacks were 'nothing compared to what happens in McDonalds and KFC everyday.'  The remarks were made at a gig in Warsaw on Sunday where he told the crowd before singing Meat Is Murder: ‘We all live in a murderous world, as the events in Norway have shown, with 97 dead. Though that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried S*** every day.’  The vegetarian is well known for his outspoken beliefs on animal rights, but some internet fans feel this may have been a step too far.

27.04.11 Amy Winehouse foundation planned .
Amy Winehouse's father, Mitch Winehouse, has suggested he would like to set up a foundation in his daughters name to help those struggling with addiction.

26.07.11 Amy Winehouse cremated after private funeral.
Amy Winehouse was cremated today after a private funeral attended by family and close friends.  At the funeral were friends Mark Ronson, Kelly Osbourne and the stylist Alex Foden.  Her father, Mitch Winehouse, gave her eulogy which ended with the words "Goodnight, my angel, sleep tight. Mummy and Daddy love you ever so much."  The family will now hold a two day Shiva according to their jewish faith.

26.07.11 Marcus Mumford and Carey Mulligan get engaged?
Marcus Mumford, the front singer of band Mumford and Sons, has allegedly got engaged to his actress girlfriend Carey Mulligan.  The pair have been dating for 5 months and Mumford is said to have popped the question at the weekend.  Mulligan has been seen wearing an engagement ring.  Mumford is currently in the studio recording the bands much anticipated follow up album to the highly popular and critically acclaimed debut 'Sigh No More'.

23.07.11 Amy Winehouse found dead.
Amy Winehouse has been found dead this afternoon in her London flat.  The cause of death is unknown, but she has allegedly been drinking heavily in recent weeks.

23.07.11 Ringo Starr wins 'Icon' award at Mojo awards.
Ringo Starr has won the 'icon' award at this years Mojo awards.  In front of many of his peers, like Jimmy Page and Phil Collins , Starr took the award to recognise his lifetime achievement.

23.07.11 Tom Morello to release comic book in October.
Tom Morello, the guitarist with Rage Against the Machine, has annonced he will be releasing a comic book in October.  Entitled 'Orchid' it will  be a fantasy epic set in the future.  Morello has written a track to go with the comic and he will write a new song for each issue in the series.

22.07.11 Red Hot Chili Peppers announce UK tour dates.
The RHCP have announced some UK tour dates for this November.  The band, who release their 10th album this August will kick things off in Dublin and will include 3 nights at London's O2 arena.  This will be the first tour with the bands new guitarist Josh Klinghoffer.  The dates announced are:-

Dublin O2 Arena (November 4)
London O2 Arena (7, 9, 10)
Glasgow SECC Hall (12)
Manchester Evening News Arena (14, 15)
Sheffield Motorpoint Arena (17)
Birmingham LG Arena (19, 20) 

21.07.11 Radio 1 Boss to leave after 13 years.
Andy Parfitt, the  current boss of BBC Radio 1 has annuonced he will be leaving the station to pursue other opportunities.  Parfitt has guided the station from a purely analogue format to a more diverse, interactive and multi platform format and has also increased weeekly listeners to almost 12 million.  Parfitt has said he will miss the DJ's,  "they are special people - I will miss dealing with them day to day".  Chris Moyles lead the tributes saying "Andy is the best boss I've ever had."

21.07.11 Paul McCartney documentary to be aired about his 9/11 experiences.
Paul McCartney will be marking the 10th anniversary of the events of 9/11 by sharing a documentary about his experiences before and after the events in New York.  At the time of the attacks McCartney was sat in a plane on the tarmac awaiting take-off and he talks about this and his efforts to organise a charity concert in the weeks afterwards.  The documentary will be shown in America on 10th September this year and there is no news on a broadcast date in the UK yet.

20.07.11 Take That break highest grossing concert series record.
Take That have broken the record for the highest grossing concert series.  Their 8 night run at Wembley Stadium during June and July 2011 made them £38 million.  The record was previously held by Bruce Springsteen for his 10 night run at Giant's Satdium, New Jersey in 2003 where he made £24 million.  In total the Take That tour grossed  £114 Million and played to 1.8 million fans.

19.07.11 Mercury Prize nominees announced.
This years Mercury prize nominees were announced today with some expected artists and also some surprises.  The winner will be announced on Septmeber 6th and will win the £20,000 prize, although the glory of the coveted award is often enough. The full nominee list is:-

Anna Calvi - 'Anna Calvi'
Elbow - 'Build A Rocket Boys!'
James Blake - 'James Blake'
Katy B - 'On A Mission'
Metronomy - 'The English Riviera'
Tinie Tempah - 'Disc-Overy'
PJ Harvey - 'Let England Shake'
Gwilym Simcock - 'Good Days At Schloss Elmau'
Everything Everything - 'Man Alive'
Ghostpoet - 'Peanut Butter Blues & Melancholy Jam'
King Creosote and Jon Hopkins - 'Diamond Mine'
Adele - '21'

18.07.11 Ja Rule sentenced to 2 years in jail.
Rapper and actor Ja Rule, real name Jeffrey Atkins,   has been sentenced to 2 years in jail after failing to file income tax returns between the years 2004 and 2006.  He had admitted to not paying taxes on $3 Million during this period.

18.07.11 Adele's album '21' back at Number One spot.
'21', the album by Adele, is back at number one in the UK album chart.  It has not been out of the top 5 since its release in January and her debut '19' is also at number three.  All in all this makes it 17 weeks at the top spot for Adele, with no signs of her popularity diminishing.

17.07.11 Take That cancel show due to Robbie Illness.
Take That have had to cancel their show in Copenhagen last night due to Robbie Williams having severe food poisoning.  This is the first time in the bands career they have had to cancel a show and it was made on the advice of doctors in Denmark.  Robbie is recuperating and trying to get well enough for the bands next show in Amsterdam on Monday.

15.07.11 David Gilmour's son sentences to 16 months in jail.
Charlie Gilmour, the son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, has been sentenced to 16 months in jail for his part in the student protests.  He pleaded guilty to defacing the cenotaph, throwing a bin at Prince Charles' car and smashing a window.  It is unknown if he will appeal.

15.07.11 McCartney and Ringo quash rumours of Olympics Beatles concert.
After the previous speculation both Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney have quashed rumours that they would play at the Olympics ceremony with the children of Lennon and Harrison.  McCartney labelled it "tabloid stuff".    There is still talk that McCartney may play at the ceremony on his own.

14.07.11 Morrissey to publish autobiography.
Morrissey has announced that his much anticipated autobiography will be released in December 2012.  He said 'the innocent are named and the guilty are protected'.  Whjilst speaking to Billboard he also took the time to criticize modern pop music and those artists who perform without 'fire in the belly'.

14.07.11 Lady Gaga slammed for performing in a wheelchair.
Lady Gaga has been slammed by disability groups after she performed in Sydney, dressed as a mermaid, whilst seated in a wheelchair.  Jesse Billauer from Life Rolls on Foundation said 'Since this isn't the first time she has used a wheelchair in her performances, I invite her to learn more about the 5.6 million Americans who live with paralysis. I extend a personal invitation to Lady GaGa to attend one of our Life Rolls On events where quadriplegics and paraplegics surf, skate, and snowboard, so she can see how much is possible beyond a wheelchair.'

14.07.11 Jimmy Page sets up website.
Jimmy Page has finally set up an official website to promote his music and career.  After sitting on the domain name for some time he now thinks it is time to do something with it and the site will include album critiques by Jimmy and a webstore, amongst other features.

13.07.11 Dave Grohl kicks out fan from gig after they were seen fighting.
Dave Grohl stopped a recent gig at The Roundhouse to throw out a fan after they were seen fighting.  Grohl called out to the fan ‘You don’t come to my show and fight. You come to my show and f***ing dance, you a**hole. Get the f*** outta here. I don’t put up with that bulls*** – you people come here to have a good time and that guy can f*** off.’  The fan was then escorted out of the premises.

13.07.11 Lady Gaga egged whilst leaving club.
Lady Gaga was egged whilst leaving a gay club in Sydney, Australia (July 11th), but managed to keep her composure thoughout.  Whilst in the city she was made an honourary citizen for her work on gay rights.

12.07.11 Paul McCartney hints he may play at Olympics.
Paul McCartney has hinted he may play at the London Olympics opening ceremony with Ringo Starr and the kids of Lennon and Harrison.  Nothing has been confirmed as yet but it has been heard he is talking to the organisers.

12.07.11 Jay-Z working on solo album.
Jay-Z has said he is working on some songs for a solo album.  He already has two songs written for what will be his 11th album.  There is no release date as yet.

11.07.11 Matt Beallamy and Kate Hudson welcome their first child together.
Matt Bellamy from Muse and the actress Kate Hudson have welcomed their first child together into the world on Saturday 9th July.  The healthy baby boy weighed 7Ibs 12oz and was born in LA.  The name is as yet unconfirmed.

11.07.11 Buena Vista Social Club Guitarist dies.
Manuel Galban, the guitarist for famed Cuban band Buena Vista Social Club, has passed away from a heart attack aged 80.  The band is famous for their 1996 album with Ry Cooder that brought them international recognition.

10.07.11 Steven Tyler and Stevie Nicks honour Betty Ford.
Both Steven Tyler and Stevie Nicks have paid tribute to Betty Ford after she passed away at the age of 93 last friday.  Betty Ford started The Betty Ford Center for those battling alcohol and drug adddiction and Tyler described it as "the gold standard of treatment facilities."  Nicks said that "as far as i'm concerned Betty Ford saved my life."

10.07.11 Michael Eavis says fans getting bored of festivals.
Michael Eavis, the owner and founder of Glastonbury feels the public are getting bored of music festivals.  There are now so many each summer that many have tickets left unsold and Reading, Leeds and Latitude all have tickets still available.  Eavis thinks there are only about 3-4 good years left and stated that in the year Jay-Z performed the festival very nearly went bankrupt.

09.07.11 Frank Carter quits Gallows
Frank Carter, the lead singer of Gallows, has announced he will be quitting the band at the end of their current tour.  The split, which seems amicable enough, is over the creative direction the band wants to take and a differing of opinion.  Carter has already annuonced he has a new band called Pure Love who will shortly record an album and will release tour dates.

08.07.11 Imogen Heap releases Propeller Seeds (aka Heapsong2)
Imogen Heap has released the second song in her Heapsong project, titled 'Propeller Seeds'.  Composed with the collaborations and suggestions of her fans this is another wonderful creation from this innovative artist.  Play it through your headphones for the full 3D musical effect and download it from the sources noted on her website.

08.07.11 Liam Gallagher dedicates song to his brother.
After Noel Gallagher's press conference announcing his solo album his brother, Liam, has dedicated a song to him at a spanish festivcal.  He said "this is for the one and only Noel Gallagher" before launching into 'Bring the Light' which has certain confrontational lyrics.

07.07.11 Metallica Sonisphere setlist revealed?
After Metallica played Gothenburg yesterday there is speculation that their headline set at Sonisphere, as part of the Big Four Metal Extravaganza (Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax), will look very similar.  The songs played were:- 

Hit The Lights
Master Of Puppets
The Shortest Straw
Seek & Destroy
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Ride The Lightning
The Memory Remains
All Nightmare Long
Sad But True
The Call Of Ktulu
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Fade To Black
Enter Sandman

Am I Evil?
(Diamond Head cover) (with Megadeth and Anthrax)
Damage Inc.
Creeping Death

07.07.11 Robbie Williams plans solo tour.
Bolstered by his recent tour with Take That, Robbie Williams has announced he plans a solo tour.  After receiving criticism for his 'Rudebox' album he feels he still has plenty to offer and prove.

07.07.11 Red Hot Chili Peppers discuss new album title.
The RHCP have discussed the reasoning behind the title of their upcoming album 'I'm With You'Lead singer, Anthony Kiedis, has said that their new guitarist Josh Klinghoffer came up with the name and they chose it as it's how the band feels at the moment.

06.07.11 Noel Gallagher finally announced solo album.
In a press conference today Noel Gallagher finaly announced the release date for his first post-Oasis solo album.   The album, to be titled 'Noel Gallagher;s High Flying Birds' will be released on 17th October.  He also discussed details of Oasis' break-up and other projects during the press confererence.  He also annuonced a new website which can be found at

06.07.11 Eminem hits digital milestone.
Eminem has become the first artist to hit the milstone of a million downloads in the US for his 'Recovery' album.

06.07.11 Spotify link up with Virgin Media for new streaming service.
Spotify has announced it has linked up with Virgin Media to offer music streaming via the cable company's TV's, internet and mobile services.

05.07.11 Adele back on track after vocal cord problem.
Adele confirmed today that she is back to full health and able to sing again at full capacity after a months recovery in the UK.  Speaking on the Chris Moyles show on Radio 1 she said she had had Laryngitis and had sung through her illness, but is back to full health now.

05.07.11 Lily Allen finishes work on musical project.
Lily Allen has stated she has finished work on a musical based on Bridget Jones' Diary.   It is due to be staged in the West End in the UK.

04.07.11 Prince plays first UK festival.
Prince played his first UK festival with a 2 and a quarter hour set at the Hop farm in Kent.  He played a greatest hits set to 30,000 people and came on for three encores.

04.07.11 The 40th anniversary of Jim Morrisons death is honoured by fans and former band mates.
The 40th anniversary of Jim Morrison's death was honoured at his gravesite in Paris over the weekend.  Tributes were paid with fans singing songs and lighting candles.

03.07.11 Speculation Noel Gallagher will announce debut solo album release date this week.
Noel Gallagher is set to hold a press conference this Wednesday (6th July) to reportedly announce the release date of his debut solo album. Noel has been recording in LA during recent months with a great deal of secrecy over his plans.  His brother Liam has already released his post-Oasis album, 'Different Gear, Still Speeding' with his new band Beady Eye.

02.07.11 Radio 1's Chris Moyles signs £1.25Million deal to stay at station until 2014
Chris Moyles has signed a contract to extend his Radio 1 breakfast show until 2014.  The deal is thought to be in the region of £1.25 Million, although Radio 1 boss Andy Parfitt has refused to confirm or deny this.

02.07.11 Tom Petty threaten Republican Congresswoman with legal action.
Tom Petty has threatened legal action against Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as she has been using his track 'American Girl' as part of her campaign music without his permission to do so.  This is not the first time Petty has had to show his displeasure about a politician using his music without permission, after George W Bush used his track 'I Won't Back Down' during his 2000 Presidential campaign.

01.07.11 Peter Gabriel announces new album release for autumn.
Peter Gabriel has announced the release of an album in autumn to be called 'New Blood'.  Similar is style to his 'Scratch my Back' album it will feature an orchestra playing some of the well known tracks from his back catalogue, without the accompaniment of Guitar, Bass or Drums.  There will also be a DVD of the Hammersmith Apollo concerts released around the same time.

01.07.11 NME has announced the launch of a new website
NME have launched a new website which can be found at and which will be a seperate website to host NME's video content.  It will feature interviews, live footage, music videos and archive footage as well.