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Saturday 14 February 2015

Don't throw stones at Arnold!

Now and again, when the thought takes me, I‘ll listen to an audiobook as I work.  Recently I listened to ‘Total Recall‘ by Arnold Schwarzenegger and I have to admit having read his book (and listened to it again) I find his life very inspirational.

It is not often you’ll find someone with such drive and ambition. He set out to be the worlds best bodybuilder, make millions from property investment, break into film and then become the highest paid action star and become Governor of California.  And he managed it all!!  Like he says, not bad for someone from a small Austrian village.

I also frequently listen to an excerpt of a commencement speech he gave. You can find it on YouTube as his 6 rules to success.

I especially like the last rule, ‘Give something back’ and this is something I am currently working on.  It’s all well and good making a success of your life (in whatever form that takes for you), but it is equally important to give something back in return.

I listen to this clip for his rules to success on a regular basis and I have added two extras of my own.

  • If something is upsetting you today, stop and think about whether it will bother you 5 years from now.  If the answer is yes, then do something about it, but if the answer is no, then do your best to let it go.  

I know this doesn’t apply in all situations, but it is a good way to get some perspective and not be affected by the day-to-day work politics that can quickly drag you down.

Linked to this idea about non-engagement with negativity is a quote I love from Winston Churchill.

  •  “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”

I have printed this off and stuck it to the wall at work.  Whenever I receive another trivial email, or someone tries to drag me into another petty argument I read and remember this quote and don’t engage. After last year ended in a particularly stressful way, it has been an invaluable mindset to put myself in.

There are plenty more quotes, philosophies and ideas that inspire and guide me, but these are the thoughts that are helping me at the moment.  I’m sure in time I’ll move onto other sources for that extra boost I need, but I hope by sharing these with you they will help as much as they have been helping me.

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